Strategies for Finding what You Need in PubMed and Elsewhere Online

The GWU Biomedical Informatics Center, CTSI-CN, and Washington DC VA Joint Informatics Seminar Series
Rebecca Kyser



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This session will discuss various search strategies across multiple databases, with an emphasis on PubMed, Scopus and Clarivate. Attendees will learn how to use various tools such as Boolean operators, side filters, and nested searching to build comprehensive search strategies for their research. We will also present online resources that further help researchers within their search process, such as tools that extract keywords across multiple articles. Lastly, there will be a discussion regarding how to properly locate grey literature. 

Rebecca Kyser is a Research and Instruction Librarian at Himmelfarb Library where she works as a liaison to the Practice of Medicine course. She earned a Masters Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois in 2021. Previous to working at Himmelfarb, she served as the Visiting Information Literacy Librarian at Otterbein University and as a research assistant at the University of Illinois for projects related to Covid misinformation. Her specialty is in medical misinformation, online information distribution and the history of pseudoscience.